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U1 Internet Banking
Individual Retirement Account

IRA: Are all your eggs in one basket?

There are many paths to reach a financially peaceful retirement. An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is one of those options and functions as a safe haven for building funds until you retire.

In many cases, IRAs are accounts you can open on your own and structure however you would like. This includes more personal control over a mix of financial planning options. U1 offers both a Certificate and Passbook IRA.

Effective Date: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025
TermMin. BalanceRateAPY
12 Months $500.00 2.55% 2.58%
24 & 30 Months $1,000.00 2.40% 2.43%
48 Months $1,000.00 2.75% 2.79%
60 Months $1,000.00 2.90% 2.94%
Passbook - 0.10% 0.10%

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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends paid monthly. Early withdrawals of Certificates are subject to substantial dividend penalties.

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