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U1 Internet Banking

Universal 1 credit union eStatements with a click of a buttonNo wait statements.

Skip waiting for the mail and sign up for eStatements.
Access your statements on demand with just a click of a button.

Login to Online Banking and enroll under the Additional Services tab.
Universal 1 Online Banking statements under additional services tab

Why eStatements?

 Convenience: Your eStatements are automatically saved and organized online by month and year. You also won't have to worry about where your statement is or if it came in the mail yet. With Online Banking notifications, you'll receive an email when you have a new eStatement ready to view. 
 Security: Your eStatement is secured on our encrypted server and will always be delivered and available to your specific account. You won't run the risk of your paper statement being lost in the mail, stolen or sent to the wrong address. 
 Instant Access: Your paper statement could take at least 7 days from post office to your mailbox. With eStatements, you'll receive it within a few days of the month. You can also access your statements online, anytime! 

eStatements are free for any member who wants to enroll! They can be viewed by who has access to the account. So if you have a shared account, both account holders are able to access the electronic statements.

Plus, eStatements are better for environment. Less paper means fewer trees get cut down. This way you'll be playing a role in reducing paper waste and won't have to worry about shredding documents. 

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